LiQuid's Top Tips To Help You Quit Smoking in 2025
As we continue with our "New Year, New You" mini series of blogs, aimed at helping you achieve your smoke free goals and quitting smoking in 2025, we've shared some of our "top tips" that can help you on your quitting journey and hopefully lead you to success!
Join as we explain everything you need to know, from what to use to successfully quit, to how to avoid triggers to potentially relapse as well as highlighting just how much the true cost of smoking is and what you'll be saving going forward into the new year as a non smoker!
Use Nicotine Replacement Therapy
When quitting smoking, it's always been recommended that you use some form of nicotine replacement therapy to make the quitting process that little bit smoother. Nicotine replacement therapy options such as nicotine patches, nicotine gum, lozenges and sprays have been prescribed by GPs to people seeking to quit smoking for a long time, and it's recommended that some form is used to ensure that you don't suffer from nicotine withdrawals once you quit smoking.
However, it's been recently proven from studies carried out as part of the Cochrane Review that the use of e-cigarettes paired with vape juice that contains nicotine was the most effective tool to help people quit smoking, and the most likely to continue to abstain from smoking for 6 months and beyond. Vaping can help mimic the effects of smoking but with substantially less harmful effects, and we've discussed this in our vape kit blog in this mini series which you can read by following this link.
Whilst e-cigarettes are not prescribed on the NHS by GPs, they are being recommended by them to patients seeking to quit, so maybe a vape may be the best quitting tool for you to use!
You can speak to your GP or your local Stop Smoking service to learn more about your options when it comes to NRT. Tablets to help you stop smoking have also been previously available on the NHS but were removed due to adverse side effects which some encountered. However, in recent news, there is discussion of a new tablet to help you quit smoking being introduced back on to the NHS, so if this appeals to you, maybe ask your healthcare professional about it!
Set Yourself Goals/Targets To Achieve
Goals/targets are something which everyone likes to set and to achieve, in whatever they do in their life. And there's no denying that when you reach your target or goal, it gives you an enormous sense of well-being and accomplishment, and successfully stopping smoking for good is arguably one of the biggest goals you could ever set yourself to achieve if you were previously a smoker.
One of our top tips we will give you when it comes to quitting smoking is to set yourself some realistic targets/goals to achieve, and try to stick to them! Set yourself a set end date for when you want to quit smoking by and make it realistic to achieve, and by this we mean give yourself some time and leaniency with it, quitting smoking isn't an easy task by any means, and a high number of people aren't actually successful in their first attempt, so give yourself plenty of time.

And the biggest thing is don't feel disheartened if you didn't achieve your goals at the first attempt, dust yourself off and try again! Don't get hell bent on reaching your goal by the date you set yourself, this is why we said to have a bit of leaniency with it and remember to be kind to yourself, this is no little thing that you're attempting!
But just think, when you do achieve your goals, the feeling of accomplishment is going to be immense and you should feel proud that you've done what you may have previously felt was impossible!
Look At The Financial Benefits of Quitting Smoking
The cost of smoking in current day has reached astronomical levels, and it's actually currently the highest it's ever been. This is due to the consistent tax levy's put on tobacco products each year in the budget announcements made by the UK's Chancellor of the Exchequor, and with this year's budget recently announced, it's only going to increase with a 10% tax increase being put on hand rolling tobacco products in the future.
This means the cost of as 50 gram pouch of a well known brand of hand rolling tobacco will cost around £39, eye watering amount we think you'll agree but the thing is...it could only last a heavy smoker for around 2-3 days before another would have to be bought. And this is where the cost of smoking really begins to snowball to staggering amounts.
If you were a heavy smoker, chances are you'd be spending at least £70 a week on tobacco products, that's over £200 a month..and over £3000 a year! But just think, when you kick your smoking habits, you're going to be significantly better off financially as you will not have to fork out for tobacco every week, meaning you can save that money and put towards something that you'll enjoy...a new car, a holiday or just tuck it away for a rainy day. Whatever you choose to use the money for, it's a sure shot better than spending it on smoking!

If you choose to vape instead of smoke, the weekly/monthly/yearly costs of vaping are an absolute fraction of what the total costs to smoke are, and we've covered this and everything you need to know in one of our featured blogs all about this topic!
Try And Avoid Triggers
Now this next section of our top tips may be a case of "easier said than done" but we would recommend to try and avoid any triggers that would previously encourage you or make you feel that you want to smoke.
Whilst each person may have different triggers that could urge them to want to smoke, there are a few common ones which can affect most people and we'll explore them below;
Don't Surround Yourself With Smokers - Now we aren't saying to fully seclude yourself away from friends that may be smokers, but try to avoid being around them whilst they light up. This could be anywhere, from the smoking shelter at your workplace, to the smoking area outside a pub or a club, they're going to be filled with people smoking and the tempting smell of cigarette smoke may be all it takes to urge you to want to smoke yourself. Try and distance yourself away from others whilst they smoke and eliminate temptation completely.
Replace Your Smoking Times With Vaping - People like to have set times in the day for when they'd have a cigarette, and you may have them yourself, the easiest way to avoid this is to replace it with your vape. First thing in the morning, with a cup of coffee or after food, just reach for your vape when you'd previously reached for a cigarette! Even small changes like putting your vape and peripherals in place of where you'd previously kept all your smoking related things can make a big difference to remove a trigger!
Avoid Stress - This is easier said than done as we all experience some sort of stress in our life, but try and avoid getting overly stressed, especially whilst quitting smoking, as this is the number one trigger in why people will relapse and start smoking again. And if you do start to feel those stressful feelings creeping in, grab your vape and have a few puffs to get that nicotine absorbing.
Get Up And Active!
Physical activity and getting active can cause the perfect distraction from those pesky cravings for tobacco products. So getting out and about will not only encourage your quitting journey, but it will also help improve your overall wellbeing and health.
We covered in our quitting timeline blog about the effects of quitting smoking can have on your body, and by quitting, your overall health will begin to improve such as your breathing, lung capacity, and circulation which is the perfect thing to take advantage of and find yourself a new active hobby.

This could be anything from joining and going to your local gym to going out for long nature walks or along the coast and getting that fresh air into your lungs and blowing away the cobwebs! It's all about the small distraction techniques that you can initiate which in turn will make a big improvement towards your smoke free future!
How LiQuid Can Help You Quit Smoking In 2025
Here at LiQuid, we are dedicated to offering our valued customers everything they need to be able to vape and at the most affordable prices possible.
We're proud to offer a vast range of incredible vape juices, all of which are made at our state of the art facilities situated in Manchester, England. And these vape juices start from as little as £1 per 10ml bottle! Should you choose LiQuid as your preferred retailer for all your quitting smoking needs, you can rest assured that you'll be getting premium quality vape juices at affordable prices, all made in the UK.
Vaping should never be considered if you've previously never smoked, but if you are a smoker looking to convert to vaping, we offer everything you need available to buy on our online vape shop and all orders are dispatched from our warehouse also based in Manchester.
We have a robust age verification process in place that must be completed prior to your checkout process being completed, and should any issues arise, our UK based customer service team will be happy to help.