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Amazon To Ban Disposable Vapes & E-Liquid Sales
When disposable vapes are banned from sale on June 1st 2025, Amazon are also extending this ban of sale to all e-liquids on their platform. Read on to learn more about this and how you can still get 0mg nicotine vape juices from LiQuid!

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A Typical Timeline Of What To Expect When Quitt...
You may be preparing yourself to quit smoking, but unsure of what the timeline looks like for an average quitting journey, which is why we've written this blog to explain all you need to know and what the timeline you should expect looks like.

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Top Tips To Help You Quit Smoking In 2025
We explain everything you need to know, from what to use to successfully quit, to how to avoid triggers to potentially relapse as well as highlighting just how much the true cost of smoking is and what you'll be saving going forward into the new year as a non smoker!

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What Vape Kit To Use When Quitting Smoking
In this blog, we're going to explain everything you need to know about vape kits! Understanding what a vape kit does, and what the right one for you would be to successfully transition away from smoking. Join us as we explain everything you need to know about vape kits, and...

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What Vape Juice To Use When Quitting Smoking
In this blog, we're going to explain everything you need to know about vape juice! From differentiating the two primary types of vape juice that vapers use, choosing the right nicotine strength to ensure you keep those pesky cravings away and finally showcasing what vape juices you can buy online...

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Choose To Stop Smoking As Your New Year's Resol...
Quitting smoking is one of the top resolutions made by people every year, and this may be something that you've set yourself to achieve in 2025. We have created this information hub to explain and help you through every stage of the process of quitting smoking and starting to vape.

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Making A New Year's Vaping Resolution That Sticks
With Christmas behind us and the New Year just beginning, ‘tis the season for change. Join us as we share some of our top tips for making a vaping resolution that sticks!

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Vape Device Of The Month - July
Our resident vape reviewer James showcases our device of the month for July in this blog. Read on to find out more about the incredible Aspire PockeX!

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Nicotine Pouch FAQs: Everything You Need To know
A collection of FAQs all about nicotine pouches to help you understand the basics of this newly emerging nicotine product.

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The Weirdest Vape Kits Of The Last 10 Years
The first vaping device was launched in the UK almost 2 decades ago in 2005, but from humble beginnings various brands have produced some of the weirdest vape kits you could imagine. Here at LiQuid we have shared some serious laughs over the years at the expense of some of...