Are Nicotine Pouches Better Than Smoking Or Vaping?
Over the last few years, nicotine pouch usage has really started to grow not only in the UK, but also globally as well. Whilst it is not a recognised form of nicotine replacement therapy, people are turning to nicotine pouches on their smoking cessation journeys, but also some vapers are now using nicotine pouches as a replacement and partner product, taking full advantage of the perks which neither vaping nor smoking can offer alone.
In this blog, we are going to explore the benefits of using nicotine pouches and compare them to both smoking cigarettes as well as using e-cigarettes and give an open and honest discussion on whether nicotine pouches could be a better option for you rather than smoking or vaping.
Table of Contents
- Nicotine Pouches vs Smoking - A Method Of Harm Reduction
- Why Nicotine Pouches Are Safer Than Smoking For Nicotine Delivery
- Nicotine Pouches vs Vaping - An Alternative Method For Nicotine Delivery
- How Nicotine Pouches Can Be A Better Alternative Than Vaping
Nicotine Pouches vs Smoking - A Method Of Harm Reduction
It's a well known fact that smoking cigarettes can cause serious harm to you, your health as well as others around you. Smoking is the most common cause of preventable deaths in the UK, with 78,000 lives being lost due to smoking related illnesses and diseases.
Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, respiratory disease and heart disease as well as the cause of cancer in other parts of the body. But despite all of the risks involved, 1 in every 8 people in the UK smoke which equates to roughly 12.9% of the population.
However, this has started decreasing over the years with the current number we've mentioned above being the lowest it's ever been since records began being kept, and this number decreasing has been aided with the creation of different alternatives for nicotine delivery.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy options have been offered by GPs and local Stop Smoking services to people who are seeking to quit smoking such as nicotine patches, nicotine lozenges and nicotine gum which can help prevent nicotine withdrawal, and people have used these to varying levels of success with most never looking back at smoking a cigarette again after successfully transitioning away.
There are other alternatives which are not recognised by health services as "official" nicotine replacement therapy options but they have gained in popularity as people's preferred choice to help them quit smoking cigarettes and they are either using a vape device or the latest to join the fray, Nicotine Pouches.
Why Nicotine Pouches Are Safer Than Smoking For Nicotine Delivery
As we have discussed, smoking can cause serious health related problems and it's a big price to pay to get your nicotine fix! It's estimated that over 7000 chemicals are produced from a lit cigarette with over 60 of these chemicals known and proven to cause cancer.
One of the chemicals found in cigarettes which is not proven to be harmful is nicotine. Whilst not harmful, nor has it ever been the cause of any smoking related illnesses or death, it is a highly addictive chemical and it's what people crave and form a dependency on which then keeps them smoking cigarettes to satisfy those cravings.
By using an alternative form of nicotine delivery such as nicotine pouches, this reduces the harm potential hence why they are called a "harm reduction method" as we explain;
Benefits of Nicotine Pouches Over Smoking

Completely Tobacco Free
Nicotine pouches are commonly confused with Snus pouches.
Snus is the name for small pouches of similar design to nicotine pouches which contain actual moist tobacco leaf.
Nicotine pouches are completely free of any trace of tobacco and only commonly contain a powdered nicotine formula which has flavourings and other key additives needed to make the pouches.

No Harmful Chemicals
Nicotine is not one of the harmful chemicals which is found in cigarettes and nicotine pouches do not contain any of the same harmful chemicals which are found in tobacco or cigarettes.
One of the primary reasons that Snus was banned was due to concerns being raised over the negative health effects they could pose due to containing tobacco as well as carcinogens also.

No Risk To Others Around You
Smoking not only harms yourself, but it can seriously cause harm to others around you through the second-hand smoke they inhale, or passive smoking as it's referred to as.
With nicotine pouches, they are completely smokeless, meaning you don't have to be conscious of others around you when using them unlike you would when smoking a cigarette. No inhaling or exhaling required with nicotine pouches!
Can Nicotine Pouches Help Quit Smoking?
Oral nicotine products such as nicotine pouches can play a pivotal part in your journey to quit smoking and make the process of quitting that little bit easier.
In Sweden, they are big advocates of oral nicotine products as well as e-cigarettes. And it's down to their back and advocacy of alternative forms for nicotine consumption that has lead to them being within touching distance of the finish line of becoming a smoke free country.
To gain this status, the smoking prevelance of adults in the country must be 5% or lower and in their most recent publication, Smoke Free Sweden announced that smoking prevelance was down to 5.6%.
Aside from the health side of things, using nicotine pouches instead of smoking is considerably cheaper too! The average cost of a can of nicotine pouches is around £5 and you get 20 nic pouches in every can which can last for at least a couple of days even if you're a frequent users.
Compare this to 20 cigarettes which costs upwards of £12 a pack, and can only last for one day if you were a heavy smoker, you're going to be saving a pretty penny by opting to use nicotine pouches to help you quit smoking!
Nicotine Pouches vs Vaping - An Alternative Method For Nicotine Delivery
E-Cigarette usage amongst adults in the UK has gradually started to increase over the years, which coincides with the amount of adult smokers decreasing as people are turning to vaping as a way to quit smoking.
Whilst also not a health care approved method for nicotine replacement, there has been validation for the safety of vaping compared to smoking with Public Health England declaring vaping "to be 95% safer than smoking."
Studies have also shown the use of e-cigarettes with nicotine containing vape juice to be the most effective way of quitting smoking compared to other forms of NRT such as nicotine patches and nicotine gum, or vaping with 0mg nicotine vape juice.
However, some people may not want to use e-cigarettes as a form of NRT for various different reasons, and this is where the use of nicotine pouches can seem that little bit more appealing.
How Nicotine Pouches Can Be A Better Alternative Than Vaping

No Inhaling Required To Preserve Lungs
As vaping mimics the effects of smoking (minus the toxic chemicals) this could be off putting to some people as they may not want to continue something that requires inhaling. If someone is moving away from smoking, they may want to preserve their lungs and throat and not wish to inhale which rules vaping out.
This is where nicotine pouches can be a good alternative as they require no inhaling and instead the nicotine is absorbed through the gum.

Can Be Used Anywhere
Smoking has been banned in enclosed public spaces and on public transport for over a decade now, and the same rules apply for vaping and the use of e-cigarettes as well.
But as nicotine pouches do not omit any smoke or vapour, there's no restrictions on where you can use them. Meaning if you're on the go a lot, travelling on public transport, or even flying on a plane, you can pop a pouch in at any time to satisfy your cravings for nicotine and nobody will even know you've got one in place!

Prolonged Nicotine Absorption
Whilst the nicotine absorption from vaping is relatively fast, especially if using nicotine salt e-liquids, it won't be long after you've had a vape that those cravings for nicotine will start creeping in and you'll be clutching for your vape again.
With nicotine pouches, they have a prolonged release of nicotine when the pouch is in place between your upper lip and gum, meaning your urges for nicotine will be satisfied for longer periods of time thanks to the gradual absorption rate.
Whether you opt to use an e-cigarette or nicotine pouches as your preferred method of nicotine replacement therapy, you can rest assured that either of those things are considerably better than what smoking is for you. But there's also certain things to consider when it comes to choosing between the two and what you want to achieve.
Whilst vaping does have it's advantages, are nicotine pouches that one step ahead of e-cigarettes when it comes to alternative nicotine products? We'll let you decide that for yourself!
Written By James Drake
James discovered the world of vaping 7 years ago as an alternative to smoking. Since then, he's become a dedicated enthusiast, experimenting with various e-cigarettes, flavours, and nicotine strengths.
His interest has also expanded to nicotine pouches in the last 12 months, giving him a wealth of real-world experience in the alternative nicotine landscape.
James is committed to sharing his in-depth knowledge to help both new and experienced users make informed decisions about their nicotine alternatives and his blogs are a platform for honest reviews, helpful tips, and discussions.