What Ingredients Are In An E-Liquid?
E-Liquids have been around for well over a decade now and the industry has come a long way since the “wild West” era pre-TPD/TRPR when bath-tub brews were all the rage and regulations were thin on the ground.
Despite this progression, there are still many folks out there who are still wondering exactly which ingredients go into a bottle of vape liquid.
It’s important to understand what makes your e-liquid tick; having this knowledge will not only help you understand why different vape juices work the way they do but also why you might want to choose them!
Not to mention if any vape haters out there try and tell you there’s something nasty in your bottle, you can tell them exactly why they are mistaken (If it's one of ours of course!).
Table of Contents
What Are The Main Ingredients Used To Make An E-Liquid? - E-Liquid Ingredients Explained
- What Is Propylene Glycol (PG) In Vapes?
- What Is Vegetable Glycerol (VG) In Vapes?
- What Is Freebase Nicotine In Vapes?
- What Is Salt Nicotine (Nic Salt) In Vapes?
- What Are Flavour Conentrates In Vapes?
- Why Buy your E-Liquids Online From LiQuid?
What Are The Main Ingredients Used To Make An E-Liquid?
Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerol, Nicotine & Flavouring: these are the 4 key ingredients in E-liquid, also called vape liquid or vape juice. They come together to form the substance we vaporise in e-cigarettes to deliver the nicotine containing vapour we then inhale to satisfy our cravings. They come in a variety of different formats, with varying properties suited to different vaping styles.
Different types of e-liquid are created by carefully blending specific amounts of those 4 key ingredients to deliver differing experiences, intended to suit different user preferences.

E-Liquid Ingredients Explained
E-liquid typically contains
E-liquid flavourings are carefully created and refined to work perfectly and be stable in the base PG and VG, while the nicotine is specifically diluted down to 7.2% concentration in PG to allow us to accurately create our ranges of nicotine strengths.
What Ingredients Make Up A 50-50 E-Liquid?
As their name suggests, 50-50 e-liquid contains a balanced ratio of 50% Propylene Glycol (PG) and 50% Vegetbale Glycerol (VG).
The nicotine and flavourings make up a portion of the 50% dedicated to PG, as they are suspended in it. 50-50 e-liquids include traditional freebase examples as well as nic salts.

What Ingredients Make Up A 70-30 HVG E-Liquid?
High-VG (HVG) e-liquids are biased in favour of Vegetable Glycerol (VG) to deliver larger clouds of vapour, this also makes them thicker which is why they work best in sub-ohm vape kits.
They are most commonly 70%VG/30%PG, but can also be 80/20. They come in 10ml bottles pre-dosed with nicotine, or as large volume Shortfills that need nic shots adding to create your ideal strength.

What Is Propylene Glycol (PG) In Vapes?
PG is a clear colourless liquid that forms a part of almost all e-liquids on the market. The flavourings and nicotine in our e-liquids are also suspended in PG due to it being such an effective carrier agent.
It is thin in consistency and as such doesn’t add much to the vapour production of a vape juice, which is often why higher strength 50-50 style juices, which typically contain more PG, do not produce particularly big clouds when vaped.
Due to this higher PG content, 50-50 e-liquids are naturally thinner which means they absorb very quickly into your coil – this is why they are better suited to beginner devices with a coil resistance of 1.0ohm or higher and smaller wicking points to help optimise your experience.
PG can be found in a whole range of food products we all use every day, including food colouring, cake mixes, soft drinks, popcorn, bread and a lot of fast foods!
- PG is a clear, tasteless and colourless base material used in many common products including inhalers.
- PG is used in e-liquids as it is a very effective carrier for flavourings and nicotine.
- PG is thinner in consistency than VG and produces far less vapour.
- 50/50 vape liquids are made using a higher volume of PG, allowing them to accommodate higher nicotine strengths.
What Is Vegetable Glycerol (VG) In Vapes?
Just like PG, VG is clear and colourless although that is where the similarities end. Unlike PG, VG has a slightly sweet taste, however when combined with flavourings in an e-liquid it’s very hard to notice.
The most notable property of VG is that it is very thick, this is why High VG juices, which typically contain 70 or 80% VG in their recipes, often beinge a lot thicker in consistency.
VG is the main contributor to vapour production – the higher the VG, the bigger the cloud! Bigger clouds allow more flavour to be inhaled when vaped which is why HVG vapers often rave about big, bold, weird and wonderful flavours. VG isn’t the best carrier agent, so it’s usually necessary to include some PG in a recipe to ensure the e-liquid is stable and at it’s best when it reaches your door.
High VG juices are better suited to advanced sub ohm devices which are often larger, produce enough power to vaporise the thick VG, and also have bigger wicking points to allow that sticky stuff to absorb properly so you don’t get dry burn!
Don’t be confused if you see some companies saying Glycerine instead of Glycerol – it’s just a different name for the same compound.
VG is also used in lots of everyday things, including foods, cosmetics, and a range of pharmaceuticals!
- VG is a clear, slightly sweet and colourless base material that is used in a massive range of products, from food to hand sanitiser.
- VG is perfect for e-liquids as it helps to create bigger and bolder flavours.
- VG is very thick in its consistency and can produce massive vape clouds.
- Most e-liquids use a balanced combination of VG and PG, as VG is not an effective carrier agent.

What Is Freebase Nicotine In Vapes?
Nicotine is of course the key ingredient for most in any e-liquid. It’s what satisfies those cravings and makes the whole thing worthwhile.
Processed from its raw 100% concentrated form, our freebase nicotine is diluted to 7.2% suspended in PG for use in our e-liquids. It is the fact the nicotine molecules are freely suspended in the base PG that coined the name 'freebase'. Diluting to 7.2% is an industry standard and allows us to perfectly measure our recipes to create exact strengths to suit different customer needs.
As we have mentioned, PG is an excellent carrier for other chemicals like nicotine as well as flavour, allowing both to be perfectly blended into our e-liquid recipes.
Freebase nicotine is versatile, but comes with a throat-hit when inhaled. This is sought-after by some new vapers as it more closely repicates the experience of smoking a cigarette, making the transition to vaping a little easier. For some however, particularly ex menthol smokers, it can be an issue; the higher strengths needed to meet strong cravings are much harsher on the throat which can make vaping unpleasant. The solution to that issue is
- This is the most common type of nicotine used in e-liquids. It is called “freebase” as the nicotine itself is freely suspended in a base material like PG or VG, however PG is far more common due to its superior properties as a carrier.
- Most freebase nicotine is suspended in PG at 7.2%, this allows manufacturers to accurately blend it into e-liquids to create the various strengths offered.

Freebase nicotine is used to create the core strengths found accross our extensive £1 range, and also the majority of other e-liquid brands out there. Nicotine free 0mg is self explanatory: 0mg means that the liquid is a nicotine free e-liquid. This strength is perfect for casual vapers who want to vape for flavour without the addictiveness of nicotine, or as an end point for those seeking to quit the habit altogether.
3mg is ideal for those who were casual smokers of only a few cigarettes per day - If you were a casual or a social smoker, this lower mg e-liquid is perfect for you. It will satisfy mild cravings and has minimal throat hit.
6mg is ideal for those who were light smokers, smoking around 1 pack a week - with a low throat hit but enough nicotine to satisfy cravings 6mg is a good all-rounder for new vapers.
12mg is ideal for those who were average smokers, consuming around 1 pack a day - it delivers a more intense throat hit which ex smokers can enjoy, and packs a good amount of craving satisfaction.
18mg is ideal for those who were smoking over 20 cigarettes per day - this is the highest freebase strength we offer and packs the most throat hit albeit with the ability to manage even powerful cravings.
What Is Salt Nicotine (Nic Salt) In Vapes?
In more recent times nicotine salts have become incredibly popular amongst vapers, especially modern bar salts – these special forms of nicotine have been modified to absorb faster and provide longer lasting satisfaction. We say forms (plural) because there are actually many different types of nic salt.
These different types are created using different salt-acids, which are combined with nicotine molecules during processing. The addition of an acid neutralises the very alkali pH of nicotine, making it very smooth to vape even at the highest possible strength: 20mg.
The different acids like salicylic, Benzoic, or Lactic acid, create nicotine salts with slightly different properties. This can include slight cooling sensations, as well as flavour enhacement or muting. Ultimately though they all share the common benefit of being smooth and fast-acting.
At LiQuid we use nicotine salicylate as our chosen nic salt formula. This is because it performed best during testing, having the least impact on flavour while delivering the smoothest vape hit.
- Nic salts are a more recent addition to the vaping industry. They work in the same way as freebase nicotine, however during manufacturing, the nicotine is combined with one of a variety of potential “salt acids”. These salt acids neutralise the naturally alkaline pH of the nicotine. The result is an e-liquid that is smooth on the throat and less harsh in taste, even at very high strengths like 18mg & 20mg.
- Nic salts deliver deep, lasting satisfaction far faster and for far longer than is offered by freebase.
- Nic salts come in different forms. Common nic salt varieties include: Nicotine Salicylate, Nicotine Benzoate, Nicotine Ditartrate & Nicotine Levulinate.
5mg is even smoother still, albeit the weakest nic salt strength we offer. It is rare to find a nic salt e-liquid in 5mg, which is why we are proud to offer it. It gives our customers even greater control over their habits by being able to taper all the way down from using disposable vapes, to 20mg in bottled e-liquids, to 10mg and then 5mg if they wish to reduce their nicotine intake.
10mg is even smoother than 20 albeit with slightly less craving-busting power. 10mg nic salt e-liquids give those previously held to 20mg as disposable vape users an opportunity to control their intake when switching to 10ml Bar Salt flavours.
20mg is the highest possible strength an e-liquid can be under UK law. It is also the nic salt strength found in almost all disposable vapes on the market. Despite being so strong, being a nic salt means this is a very smooth hit, comparable to a 6mg freebase e-liquid.
What Are Flavour Conentrates In Vapes?
Flavour concentrates are, alongside nicotine, the heart and soul of an e-liquid. We might crave nicotine, but it's the flavour of your vape juice that makes the experience enjoyable.
At LiQuid we only use the finest quality food-grade flavourings in our recipes. We develop our own flavour concentrates in-house, which gives us unmatched control over quality and performance.
Most vape flavourings are suspended in or at least contain some amount of PG to ensure they can be properly blended, and once mixed they begin to steep and mature, much like wine or cheese!
The flavourings themselves are actually made up of lots of highly concentrated ingredients that all come together in small amounts to create the intended flavour profile, they are a lot more complicated than you might think!
As with all our ingredients though, we only use those that have been thoroughly tested for safety and quality, so you don’t have to worry about the scientific stuff and can keep on enjoying the flavours you know and love!
- Flavourings are what truly bring an e-liquid to life, they come in near limitless varieties, with dessert flavours such as cherry bakewell and sweet flavours such as pear drops being on offer.
- They are usually suspended in a base consisting primarily of PG, which allows the flavourings to be properly blended alongside VG to create the finished product.
- They are classed as “food-grade” and are very similar if not identical to those used in the catering industry. This does not mean you can add vanilla essence for baking to your e-liquid!
How Many E-Liquid Flavours Are There?
There are literally thousands of e-liquid flavours out there for you to vape. Every brand offers a unique take on the classics as well as inventing plenty of weird and wonderful blends that have kept vapers on their toes for over ten years!
The LiQuid online vape shop is no different, and we are proud to boast a great selection of over 100 vape flavours accross many different categories, all made in-house by our experts!
Dessert E-Liquid Flavours - If you have a sweet tooth, then these flavours were made for you! From classic tastes like Cherry Bakewell or Vanilla Custard, to delicious treats such as Strawberry Cheesecake or Banana Caramel Waffle – we have all your favourite pudding flavours in our ranges!
Drink E-Liquid Flavours - From Cafe Latte to Cherry Cola, we have a great range of drink flavoured e-liquids, so you don’t have to wait for your coffee break to taste your favourites!
Fruit-Ice/Menthol E-Liquid Flavours - Proven to be the most popular flavour type amongst UK vapers for a few years, fruit ice/menthol flavours combine the crisp refreshment of menthol or other cooling ingredients with sweet fruit flavours to create delicious fresh profiles like Black Ice, Cherry menthol, Strawberry Ice and many more.
Mint E-Liquid Flavours - Inclusing Spearmint, Peppermint, and even minty blends like our Mint Blast; minty e-liquid profiles have been a consistent favourite since vaping began. These crisp light flavours are ideal for all-day vaping and don't damage coils as much as other sweeter blends.
Menthol E-Liquid Flavours - Some people would argue that mint and menthol are the same thing, however from a flavouring perspective this is not the case, menthol flavours offer a more simplified cool and fresh vape like our all-time best seller Double Menthol, derived from pure extracted menthol crystals, rather than specific mint oils used for the minty profiles we also offer.
Sweet/Candy E-Liquid Flavours - Whether you love the taste of a classic Lemon Sherbert or even Rhubarb and Custard or Cotton Candy, our sweets range includes all your corner shop favourites ready to vape!
Tobacco E-Liquid Flavours - Ideal for newcomers to the vaping scene who are trying to kick their cigarette habit, our tobacco flavoured e-liquids will help ease the transition, emulating the bold and iconic tastes you used to crave. From British Tobacco to iconic Virginia, we have a tobacco profile for all maner of vapers.
Flavourless E-Liquid - Our flavourless e-liquids are the ideal choice for a pure, clean vaping hit or equally for if you want to dilute stronger flavours. Flavourless is actually one of our best selling products because it allows you to tailor the intensity of other e-liquids or simply enjoy a very discreet vape.
Why Buy your E-Liquids From The LiQuid Online Vape Shop?
Quality, Safety, Price - these are the three best reasons to choose the LiQuid brand as our trusted vape supplier, whether you are looking for vape juice or indeed any vaping product.
We have been proudly serving hundreds of thousands of customers every month for ten years, selling millions of bottles of e-liquid and constantly evolving our ranges through extensive testing, R&D and customer feedback. When you buy a bottle of e-liquid from LiQuid, you get the benefit of a decade of industry expertise, dedication to quality, and a commitment to low prices. You simply won't find a higher quality e-liquid for less in the UK.
We have developed an end-to-end manufacturing process that gives us unmatched control over the quality of our raw ingredients and e-liquid blending. This is combined with our full scope of laboratory testing that allows us to ensure the strictest standards are upheld at every stage of production to guarantee your satisfaction.
Beyond our promise of quality and value, becoming a member of the LiQuid community gives you acces to unique benefits as a vaper, including our subscription service and LiQuid loyalty point scheme to help you get even more from your vaping journey.
Written By Oliver Norman
Our resident vaping expert with 9 years of industry experience. Ollie has worked in a massive range of roles over the years; from bottling on the shop floor to mixing e-liquid in the cleanroom, heading up Tech Ops and flavour development in the lab and beyond; Ollie has been with LiQuid for nearly a decade and now heads up our content marketing team making sure our customers get the best quality information to make informed choices on their vaping journeys.
He is a one-stop-shop of vaping knowledge from scientific technical info to current vaping trends, vape juice to vape kits and all points in-between - he's keen to share it all with you, from one vaper to another! As an avid user of nic salt e-liquids for several years, Ollie has compiled this guide to help other vapers learn everything they need to know to get the most from a nic salt vaping experience!